In 22 Lektionen kann man im Selbststudium oder in einer Gruppe die Bibel kennenlernen.
Das Buch ist in einfachem Englisch geschrieben und daher ideal für Menschen, die Englisch als Zweitsprache sprechen.
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All of us wonder what God is really like. Thankfully, although we can’t see him, we can know him from the things he has done and said. Many events in which he has been the pivotal figure, whether appearing on center stage or operating behind the scenes, have been recorded in the Bible. These events clearly illustrate who he really is, what he has done and what he is saying to us today.
HIS STORY: The Rescue presents a panoramic overview of the Biblical narrative, as it tells of his great rescue effort that began thousands of years ago and continues today.
HIS STORY: The Rescue is presented in easy English with definitions provided for any challenging words or terms. The 22 sessions with discussion questions are designed to be used in Bible studies, English classes, study groups, or can be read by individuals wanting to understand God’s Word for themselves.
252 Seiten